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Economic Calendar & Watch List 1/12/2016

Tuesday January 12, 2016


Economic Calendar & Watch List 1/12/2016


Morning Notes

US futures are pointing slightly higher and European stocks are trading sharply higher by over +1.75% as China’s Shanghai index has began to stabilize. The PBOC (People’s Bank of China) put forth an effort to support the weakness in the Yuan currency which helped move Asian markets to close in the positive.



The SPY traded sharply lower for the majority of yesterday until a late day rally arrived into the close. Support will lie at the low of yesterday’s range at $189.82, followed by $189.12 and $186.93. Resistance will lie at the high of yesterday’s session at $193.41, followed by $195.85 and the heavy resistance zone between $197.40 – $197.60.


Small Cap Watch List

*Please refer to the momentum scanners displayed live in the chat room for potential plays at the market open.


**Others On Watch**




Economic Calendar

10:00 Nov JOLTS job openings expected +67,000 to 5.450 million

12:00 USDA Jan WASDE crop production

12:00 USDA Q4 quarterly grain stocks

1:00 Treasury auctions $24 billion 3-year T-notes

3:15  Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker speaks on the U.S. economic outlook  


Notable Earnings Before Open



Notable Earnings After Close


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