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The Fastest Day Trade of the Week Revealed

The Fastest Day Trade of the Week Revealed

Hey everyone, Ross Cameron here! Today, I’m excited to break down one of the fastest day trades I’ve had this week. I finally hit my daily goal for the first time in October, closing out the day in the green. But the real story is how quickly it happened. The entire trade was locked in within just a few minutes—that’s how you know it’s a good day in the market!

Most of today’s profit came from WHLR, which ended up being the biggest win by far. If you followed my recap yesterday, you’ll remember this stock was already on my radar, but today I approached it differently and the results came fast. Let me walk you through the nitty-gritty of the day, plus what I learned along the way.

A Quick Recap on WHLR

So, here’s what happened. WHLR had been a hot stock the day before, and even though I had it in my sights, I just couldn’t pull the trigger. It spooked me with a squeeze that started mid-morning, and I wasn’t comfortable jumping in with the risk at the time. I ended that day slightly ahead, but nothing to celebrate.

Fast forward to today, I started my day around 6:45 a.m., ready to watch the pre-market action. WHLR popped up on the scanners early, already up 30% before the market even opened. That set the tone for what would happen next. I wasn’t going to miss out this time.

Entering the Perfect Trade at the Right Time

At 7:00 a.m., I saw the opportunity I was waiting for. WHLR dipped and then started to curl back up. That’s when I jumped in. I entered around $18 with the goal of catching the breakout above that level. My timing was perfect. Within minutes, the stock ripped higher, jumping right past $19.50. I hit my $5,000 goal in just three minutes!

This type of trade doesn’t happen every day—timing was everything. WHLR moved fast, and so did I. It felt amazing to lock in a win that quick, and it set the pace for the rest of the day.

Digging Into WHLR’s Technicals

Let me explain why WHLR was such a prime candidate. If you look at the daily chart, the thing had already undergone a couple of reverse splits. That reduced the float and gave it the setup for a potential squeeze. It had rallied back in early September and then sold off for about 10 days straight. No news, nothing. That’s why it was so interesting when it suddenly started moving yesterday and continued today.

On the daily chart, there was a lot of room for it to run with no nearby resistance. That’s gold in day trading. While the market wasn’t exactly hot overall—actually, it’s been kind of cold—this stock stood out.

On the 5-minute and 10-second charts, I saw clear levels of support and resistance that I could work with. WHLR had already tested and moved beyond key levels from yesterday, and that gave me confidence the stock could move quickly after it dipped and curled back up this morning.

Adding to My Gains with the Micro Pullback

After hitting that first massive trade, I didn’t walk away (even though I easily could’ve). I stuck around to see if there was more opportunity on WHLR. After it sold off a bit, I watched for a micro-pullback and made another entry. This trade gave me another $700+, taking my total WHLR profit to almost $6,000 for the day.

It wasn’t all smooth sailing, though. I had a couple of small losses as well—not every trade can be a winner. But that’s how it goes. You take the good with the bad and keep your eye on the long game.

Trading TOVX and CETX: Small Wins, Small Losses

Aside from WHLR, I looked at a couple of other stocks that hit the scanners. TOVX was one of them. It wasn’t the best setup, but I took a couple of trades on it. Nothing crazy here—I only managed to come out with $160 in profit. Not exactly a win I’ll be bragging about, but, hey, green is green.

Then there was CETX. Now, CETX had a reverse split, which usually gives a stock a chance to spike. But this time, it tanked 50% instead. I mistimed my entry here and was up against a hidden seller. That’s when you know you need to get out fast, and that’s what I did. Took a $400 loss, moved on, and didn’t look back.

Keeping My Eye on the Bigger Picture

So, what’s the lesson from today? First off, never get married to a specific trade or stock. Remember, it’s not all about chasing wins, it’s about managing losses too. My overall accuracy wasn’t stellar—I had about three losses and four wins—but the wins (especially with WHLR) more than made up for it.

Second, in days when the market feels cool or even cold, sometimes all it takes is one solid trade to make your day. You don’t need five great trades—you need one good one. WHLR was that for me today, and it proves why it’s so important to show up every day and be ready for those moments when opportunities present themselves.

Final Thoughts

Sticking to a routine has been a major part of my day trading success. I’ve found that showing up at the same time day in and day out keeps me sharp. And just as important as knowing when to trade is knowing when to walk away. When I hit my goals, I’m done trading for the day. That’s step one to avoiding overtrading and giving your profits back.

At the end of the day, it’s all about discipline. I could’ve easily over-traded today, but I chose not to. I hit my daily goal in record time, locked it in, and called it good. That’s how you stay consistent in this business.

Thanks for reading, and happy trading!

Stay Connected

Warrior Trading was founded by Ross Cameron in 2012. Today Warrior Trading is a thriving community of thousands of day traders learning to trade under the curriculum designed by Ross

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Disclaimer: The results shared are based on my personal trading experiences and are not typical. Trading involves significant risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always practice in a simulator before trading with real money.

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