Exploring the Cycles of Day Trading


Hey everyone, Ross Cameron here! Let’s talk about something that’s been on a lot of your minds: when is the market going to heat back up? It’s a question that surfaces every time we hit a cold stretch. When the market is hot, we’re on top of the world with big winners. But when it’s cold, panic sets in, and it’s tough to imagine things ever picking up again.

Market Cycles and Emotions

In day trading, we often experience these hot and cold cycles. During the hot phases, the excitement is contagious, opportunities are abundant, and profits can climb rapidly (Results not typical). However, when the market cools off, emotions can take over. It’s important to remember that just like in the movie “Blow,” Ray Liotta’s character reminded us that life goes on in cycles. He said, “When you’re up, you never feel like you’re going to be down again, and when you’re down, you never feel like you’re going to be up.” The same holds true for the markets: when you’re up, it’s hard to picture being down, and vice versa.

My Island Trading Setup

Right now, I’m writing to you from an island off the coast of New England. It sounds exotic, but it’s just my temporary trading setup. I’ve got my laptop, USB monitors, and emergency gear ready just in case. While I’m here with my family, I still prioritize work, setting an example for my kids that discipline and consistency matter regardless of where you are.

Reflection on Current Performance

Market cycles have had a big impact on my trading performance. July was phenomenal—the best month in two and a half years—with unexpected momentum (Results not typical). Since then, it’s slowed down again, and I know many of you are wondering when it will heat up. While it’s natural to get frustrated during these stretches, it’s crucial to remain patient and vigilant.

Signs of a Market Rebound

What signals a shift from a cold to a hot market? We often see a stock surge out of the blue. For instance, this past July, some stocks saw incredible moves that ignited the market. However, as traders, we have to wait for the right conditions, like a stock with strong news to lead the charge. Seeing significant price moves in stocks gives clues that things might be heating up again.

Adapting to Market Conditions

The key to surviving these shifts is adaptability. During cold periods, I focus on smaller, conservative trades to manage risk and stay in the game. When it heats up, I can be more aggressive and profit-focused. The trick is not looking for the market I wish I had, but trading the market I’m currently in. It’s about adjusting strategies to handle whatever the market throws my way, and being ready to capitalize on opportunities when they arise.


Patience and process are everything in day trading. It’s crucial to follow a strategy, stay disciplined, and not get swept up in emotions. Your current trading environment and conditions may shift, but if you adapt and stay consistent, you’ll be prepared when the market inevitably heats up again. Until then, keep showing up, be alert, and refine your skills. Remember, the market’s heat cycle will return—just be ready to act when it does.

Stay Connected

Warrior Trading was founded by Ross Cameron in 2012 and is now a thriving community of thousands of traders. You can learn more about joining the Warrior Trading community here

Check out my new book How To Day Trade: The Plain Truth

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Disclaimer: The results shared are based on my personal trading experiences and are not typical. Trading involves significant risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always practice in a simulator before trading with real money.