GEVO – UP 202% IN 36 HOURS


Gevo, Inc. (NASDAQ: GEVO)

Fundamentals or Smoke Screen


GEVO is a leading renewable chemical and advanced biofuels company. They have developed bio-based alternatives to petroleum-based products using a combination of synthetic biology and chemistry. They produce isobutanol, a versatile platform chemical for the liquid fuels and petrochemical market. Isobutanol has broad market applications as a solvent and a gasoline blendstock that can help refiners meet their renewable fuel and clean air obligations. It can also be further processed using well-known chemical processes into jet fuel and feedstocks for the production of synthetic rubber, plastics, and polyesters. Gevo’s technology was designed to retrofit existing ethanol plants of all kinds. www.gevo.comYahoo  Finance


Warrior Trading Room $Cashes in on GEVO

Yesterday in The Warrior Trading Room Moderator Ross Cameron alerted the troops to be ready for a pop after a healthy pullback  of a 65% premarket run…… and so right he was!



Approximately 13 minutes into yesterday’s open we were alerted to the great probability of the (NASDAQ: GEVO) setup.  From that point to high of regular hours at approximately 11:15am there were many scalp opportunities on its flush up to $5.71 for another 65% run.  GEVO faded until an end of day run up and a stellar after hours run to a penny below the H.O.D. (high of day) $6.79 close.  This Morning 35% pre market gains faded to a fruitless day at about yesterdays close.

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After 4 plus years of a downward trend, from hundreds of dollars a share to a couple dollars a share, according  to Yahoo  Finance  on news of an Alaska Airline Partnership and promise to buy GEVOs renewable BIO-Fuel and  an ASTM certification Announcement , GEVO Stock Soars.  Who knew we could make so much money from corn and plant waste?

The Warrior Trading Room is mainly made up of momentum traders, so do we care to find an amazing set of company financials and fundamentals?  Is this the next $100.00 a share company? Maybe, but it really doesn’t matter for the strategies we have come to love. The next trading day we will all be in the chatroom again and  there will be another setup for a huge ‘Gap and Go’ play like this one and others this week. So let’s lock and load boys and girls, get back in position and ready for the next day of momentum with the talents, focus and discipline of our leaders.

As always  ~  Trade the plan and keep the profits!