Economic Calendar & Watch List 9/17/2015


Thursday September 17, 2015


Economic Calendar & Watch List 9/17/2015


Morning Notes

US futures are slightly lower this morning while European stocks are trading slightly higher as markets anticipate the long awaited rate decision from the FOMC. ORCL is weighing on the market as it reported its Q1 earnings results and profit fell short of expectations. Asian markets closed mixed.




The SPY continued its move higher  in yesterday’s session closing just off the highs at $200.18. Resistance will lie at the high of yesterday’s range at $200.41, followed by a large gap to $203.90. Support lies at the low of yesterday’s range at $198.41, followed by the previous days low of $195.96.


In Play

AERI: Aerie Pharmaceuticals – The company announced the its drug, Rhopressa has met the clinical endpoints in Phase 3 trials. Gapping up 100% with a 20.9M share float.

CANF: CanFite Biopharma – The company announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Grants Fast Track Designation to Can-Fite’s CF102 in the Treatment of Liver Cancer. Gapping up 38% with a 10.45M share float.


**Others On Watch**





Economic Calendar

8:30 Weekly initial unemployment claims expected unch at 275,000, previous -6,000 to 275,000

8:30 Q2 current account balance expected -$113.5 billion

8:30 Aug housing starts expected -3.8% to 1.160 million, Jul +0.2% to 1.206 million

8:30 USDA weekly Export Sales

10:00 Sep Philadelphia Fed business outlook survey expected -2.4 to 5.9

11:00 Treasury announces amount of 2-year T-notes, 2-year floating rate notes,  5-year T-notes, 7-year T-notes

2:00 FOMC announces interest rate decision


Earnings Before Open

RAD: Rite Aid – Eps Est. $.04, Rev Est. $7.57B


Earnings After Close

ADBE: Adobe – Eps Est. $.50, Rev Est. $1.21B