Economic Calendar & Watch Lists 3/21/2016


Monday March 21, 2016


Economic Calendar & Watch Lists 3/21/2016


Morning Notes

US Futures are slightly higher this morning along with European stocks after Merger and Acquisition activity took place between Sherwin Williams and Valspar as well as Monsanto and BASF. Asian stocks closed mixed.




The SPY traded on an inside day on Friday as well as a very limited range. Support will lie at the low of Friday’s session at $203.80, followed by $202.77 and the 200 Day SMA at $201.90. Resistance will lie at the high of Friday’s range at $204.78, followed by $205.23, and $205.89.


Small Cap Watch List

*Please refer to the momentum scanners displayed live in the chat room for potential plays at the market open.


**Others On Watch**



Economic Calendar

8:30 Feb Chicago Fed national activity index expected -0.03 to 0.25

10:00 Feb existing home sales expected -2.9% to 5.31 million

11:00 USDA weekly grain export inspections

12:40 Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart speaks


Notable Earnings Before Open



Notable Earnings After Close

MFRM: Mattress Firm – EPS Est. $.56, Rev Est. $622.36M