Economic Calendar & Watch List 9/1/2017

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Friday September 1, 2017


Economic Calendar & Watch List


Morning Notes

US Futures and European stocks are up in early trading ahead of the extended holiday weekend. Investors are awaiting the jobs report to gain insight into the strength of the US economy.  UK stocks continue to rise after better than expected manufacturing data. Asian stocks settled higher to end the week.



The SPY continued its rally for the 3rd consecutive day on higher than average volume. Support will lie at the low of yesterday’s range and gap entry at $246.61, followed by gap fill at $246.32, then the 20EMA at $245.34, the 50SMA at $244.95, then $244.62, $242.93, the 100SMA at $242.36, then $241.83, and $240.85. Resistance will lie at the high of yesterday’s range at $247.77, followed by the ascending resistance at $248.57 and record highs at $248.91.


Small Cap Watch List

*Please refer to the momentum scanners displayed live in the chat room for potential plays at the market open.


**Others On Watch**


Economic Calendar

0830  Nonfarm Payrolls, estimated 180k

1000  ISM Manufacturing Survey, expected 56.5

1000  Consumer Sentiment, expected 97.4

1300  Baker-Hughes Rig Count


Notable Earnings Before Open



Notable Earnings After Close