Economic Calendar & Watch List 12/31/2015


Thursday December 31, 2015


Economic Calendar & Watch List 12/31/2015


Morning Notes

US futures are slightly lower and European stocks are also trading lower as the last day of the year commences. The majority of European markets are closed today or close early for the holiday. Asian markets closed mostly lower.




The SPY traded lower in yesterday’s session after some selling pressure occurred causing a close back below the 200 day moving average. Support will lie at the low of yesterday’s range at $205.76, followed by $205.26, $203.94, and $203.85. Resistance will lie at the 200 day moving average at $206.24, followed by the 50 day moving average at $206.87, and then the high of yesterday’s range at $207.21.


Small Cap Watch List

*Please refer to the momentum scanners displayed live in the chat room for potential plays at the market open.


**Others On Watch**

Due to the New Year’s Holiday, there will be very limited tradeable action. Currently, there is nothing to watch at the market open. We will look for normal action to resume beginning next week.


Economic Calendar

8:30 Weekly initial unemployment claims expected +3,000 to 270,000

8:30 USDA weekly Export Sales

9:00 Dec Milwaukee ISM expected +3.16 to 48.50

9:45 Dec Chicago PMI expected +1.3 to 50.0


Notable Earnings Before Open



Notable Earnings After Close