Tech roundup illustrates top trends for 2020


Where are we going with technology in 2020?


Depending on who you ask, we’re going to some pretty predictable places. Many of the newest trends that will see take off in 2020 have already had the groundwork laid over the past year.


A brand-new report by Alison Coleman at Forbes details a few of these emerging innovations that we’re going to see more of throughout this year.


Leading the pack is digital finance technologies or, as Coleman calls them, “payment innovations.”


Lu Zurawski at ACI Worldwide, quoted in Coleman’s piece, talks about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies being integrated with traditional bank accounts.


“Far from bitcoin, crypto and digital currencies being distributed via ledgers, these alternative payment methods are more likely to be rooted in traditional bank accounts,” Zurawski says. “These account-based services allow money to be moved peer-to-peer, wrapped in the digital services found in mobile banking apps.”


Essentially, now that we have such a wide range of opportunities for digital assets, integrating them into our traditional banking systems will allow much more flexibility and ease of use, not only for the common citizen, but for regulators who have to wade through in all of the nuts and bolts of these types of financial systems in the process of greenlighting them.


In this roundup, Coleman also mentions facial recognition, noting that “there is still some resistance to using it,” but suggesting that the public is slowly catching on to the ubiquity of facial recognition systems in public places and virtually everywhere.


Another interesting trend coming out of 2020 could also be described as a best practice – Coleman goes over some of the benefits of the edge computing paradigm that’s replacing traditional centralized network systems.


By processing data near the edge of a distributed system, engineers can generate various efficiencies. They can also build networks in a different way that keeps sensitive data more secure – because that data can be isolated until it’s vetted before it goes into the central internal segment of the network.


Look for all of these changes as you build your IT portfolio and cryptocurrency holdings. By anticipating some of the changes that we’ll see in the tech world, you can make sure that your strategy will keep you ‘in the green’ through this important year ahead.