Economic Calendar 5/20/2015


Wednesday May 20, 2015


Economic Calendar 5/20/2015


Morning Notes

US Futures are flat this morning ahead of the FOMC minutes from their April meeting. European Markets are slightly lower while Asian Markets closed mildly lower.


The $SPY made another new high in yesterday’s session and closed off the highs at $213.03. Upper range support will now be at $212. Resistance will be at yesterday’s high of $213.57.


In Play

SRPT: Sarepta Therapeutics – The Company announced news that they would be filing for regulatory approval of their muscular dystrophy drug. Gapping up 45% with a 35M share float.

PBMD: Prima BioMed – The Company announced positive results from its Phase II study of its ovarian cancer drug showing improvements in patients. Gapping up 37% with a 42M share float.

PTBI: PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals – The Company announced that the FDA granted “Orphan Drug Designation” and “Rare Pediatric Disease Designation” for its lead product candidates. Gapping up 8% with a 2.7M share float.

ISR: IsoRay Inc. – The Company reported very positive results for its lung cancer treatment at 96% success in the control study. Gapping up 35% with a 54.4M share float.


Economic Calendar

10:30 EIA Gasoline Stocks Change – Consensus 2.08M barrels

10:30 EIA Crude Oil Stocks Change – Consensus 825.0K barrels

2:00 FOMC Meeting Minutes From April Meeting


Earnings Before Open

TGT: Target – EPS Est. $1.03, Rev Est. $17.09B

LOW: Lowe’s Corp. – EPS Est. $0.74, Rev Est. $14.27B

SPLS: Staples – EPS Est. $0.17, Rev Est. $5.47B


Earnings After Close

LB: L-Brands – EPS Est. $0.60, Rev Est. $2.54B

WSM: Williams-Sonoma – EPS Est. $0.44, Rev Est. $1.01B

CRM: – EPS Est. $0.14, Rev Est. $1.50B
Happy Trading!