Economic Calendar & Watch List 9/6/2016


Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Economic Calendar & Watch Lists


Morning Notes

US Futures are relatively flat this morning while European markets trade slightly higher as the price of crude jumps nearly +1.3% after comments out of Saudi Arabia and Russia that they will aid in supporting the stabilization efforts of the global oil markets. Asian stocks closed closed mostly higher.




The SPY traded back above the pivot throughout Friday’s session and closed out slightly higher going into the holiday weekend. Support will lie at the low of Friday’s range at $217.70, followed by the upper range support pivot at $217.30, then $216.03, $215.83, former ascending resistance at $215.40, and the 50 day  moving average at $215.23. Resistance will lie at the high of Friday’s range at $218.87, followed by $219.12, and all time highs at $219.60.

Small Cap Watch List

*Please refer to the momentum scanners displayed live in the chat room for potential plays at the market open.


**Others On Watch**




Economic Calendar

9:45 Revised August Markit services PMI expected +0.2 to 51.1

10:00 August ISM non-manufacturing PMI expected -0.2 to 55.3

11:00 USDA weekly grain export inspections

4:00 USDA Weekly Crop Progress


Notable Earnings Before Open

MRVL: Marvell Technology – EPS Est. $.11, Rev Est. $629.61M


Notable Earnings After Close