WEF outlines blockchain bill of rights; Ethereum leaders and others sign on


Today, the World Economic Forum has unveiled its blockchain bill of rights which deals with issues of security and data privacy among others.

“The World Economic Forum revealed its Presidio Principles on Friday, a “blockchain bill of rights,” according to the nonprofit focused on fostering diplomacy and international business partnerships,” writes Leigh Cuen at Coindesk. “The document includes signatories from the Government of Colombia, Deloitte Consulting LLP, ConsenSys, Electronic Coin Company, CoinShares and the United Nations’ World Food Program, just to name a few”

World leaders have been working on how to accommodate blockchain technologies in the modern global economy.

Some of the biggest issues at hand involve the treatment of user information. New laws like Europe’s GDPR set higher standards for user privacy and data security, and companies are scrambling to comply.

Now some prominent blockchain leaders have signed on to the WEF set of articulated principles.

Joe Lubin of Consensys is one such figure, present in these deliberations and paying attention to how blockchain work advances rights around the world. Consensys has this to say, according to a recent post:

“2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the Davos gathering, and this year brought what felt like a clear shift in tone. Rather than self-congratulation, the more tempered atmosphere of the event indicated how much everyone present felt the urgency of managing the Earth and our resources better and more sustainably, making policies and economies more inclusive, while addressing the mounting sense of anger and mistrust fomenting in many parts of the world. In other words: the need to repair and rebuild trust and construct better systems on which to conduct our activities and steward our planet was a salient theme throughout the proceedings.”

That sounds like a pretty positive picture of the fruit of explorations by the WEF on how blockchain can improve societal change.

As bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains and others move into a new era of digital asset management, having a road map like this one is important. It’s also good for investors to stay focused and informed as we go through big changes in the crypto world.