Economic Calendar & Watch List 10/1/2015


Wednesday October 1, 2015


Economic Calendar & Watch List 10/1/2015


Morning Notes

US futures are slightly higher this morning and European markets are also trading in the positive after Chinese markets have displayed some stabilization. In addition, energy is on the move giving a boost to basic resource companies and energy producers.




The SPY gapped up and traded higher in yesterday’s session closing just off the highs at $191.63. Resistance will lie at the high of yesterday’s range at $191.82, followed closely by the high of Monday’s range at $191.91. Support will lie at the low of yesterday’s range at $189.44, followed by $186.93.


In Play

XOMA: Xoma – The company announced it has entered into an exclusive licensing pact with Novartis to develop and commercialize its cancer fighting anti-body program. Gapping up 57% with a 110M share float.


**Others On Watch**



Economic Calendar

8:30 Weekly initial unemployment claims expected +4,000 to 271,000

8:30 USDA weekly Export Sales

9:45 Final-Sep Markit manufacturing PMI expected unch at 53.0

10:00 Aug construction spending expected +0.5%

10:00 Sep ISM manufacturing index expected -0.5 to 50.6

11:00 Treasury announces amount of 3-year T-notes, 10-year T-notes, and 30-year T-bonds

2:30 San Francisco Fed President John Williams speaks on the economic outlook


Earnings Before Open



Earnings After Close

MU: Micron Technology – EPS Est. $.33, Rev Est. $3.56B